2d12 Wiki


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Skill Selection and Purchase

-When building your character, skills will be what sets them apart from everyone else and makes them unique. Make sure that you are picking skills which somehow fit into your character's persona, backstory or proficiencies.

-Levels in skills are purchased with Character Points. These points are dolled out by the GM in accordance with their wishes (ie, the characters avoiding brutal murder throughout an entire session)

-Adjacent to every skill is the modifier which applies directly to said skill. Whenever a " / " indicates that multiple attribute modifiers are applicable, it is important to consult the GM as to when certain modifiers apply instead of others.

-You can enhance your character's proficiency by purchasing "specialization skills." Specialized skills levels stack with bonuses received from Levels in the parent skill. In order to begin levelling up in any specialization, you must first have purchased Level 1 of the parent skill. When beginning to purchase specializations, treat the purchase of Level 1 of any specialized skill the same as you would when purchasing parent skills in the same manner.

-The cost of skills are as follows


Point Cost

Total Cost

Level 0 to Level 1 1 1
1 to 2 2 3
2 to 3* 4 7
3 to 4 8 15
4 to 5* 16 31
5 to 6 32 63
6 to 7* 64 127
7 to 8 128 255
8 to 9* 256 511
* - Acquire a perk as well

Swim St
Jump St
Climb St
Run St
Power St
Hand to Hand Combat Dx/St
Blade (Big/Small) Dx/St
Blunt (Big/Small) Dx/St
Polearm (Big/Small) Dx/St
Improvised Weaponry (Big/Small) Dx/St
Thrown Weapon (Big/Small) Dx/St
Gun (Big/Small) Dx
Mechanical Projecticles (Big/Small) Dx
Bows (Big/Small) Dx
Sleight of Hand Dx
Pickpocket Dx
Public Dx
Lockpick Dx
Stealth Dx
Sneak Dx
Hide Dx
Thickness End
Armor End
Clothed End
Shield End
Marathon End
Swimming End
Running End
Climbing End
Grapple Physical
Daredevil Physical
Thaumatergy (Magic) Mental
Warp (Magic) - Self Mental
Warp (Magic) - Other Mental
Telekinesis (Magic) - Barrier Mental
Telekinesis (Magic) - Move Mental
Telekinesis (Magic) - Fly Mental
Elemental (Magic) Mental
Time (Magic) - Self Mental
Time (Magic) - Other
Augment (Magic) Mental
Illusion (Magic) Mental
Psych (Magic) - Telepathy Mental
Psych (Magic) - Scramble Mental
Psych (Magic) - Bless Mental
Psych (Magic) - Doom Mental
Nature (Magic) - Enviro-Aid Mental
Nature (Magic) - Animal Aid Mental
Nature (Magic) - Nature Link Mental
Life (Magic) - Heal Mental
Life (Magic) - Hurt Mental
Agency Grit
Doctor Int
Surgeon Int
Medicine Int
Engineering Int
Structural Int
Mechanical Int
Demolitions Int
Structural Int
Personnel Int
Applied Math Int
Navigation Int
Computing Int
Physical Sciences Int
Physics Int
Chemistry Int
Biology Int
Zoology Int
Botany Int
Xenology Int
Enviromental Science Int
Ecosystem Int
Enviromental Lore? Int
Bureaucracy Int
Politics Int
Economics Int
Humanities Int
Linguistics Int
History Int
Mental Science Int
Sociology Int
Psychiatry Int
Xenography Int
Agency Wits
Survival Wits
Tracking Wits
Subsisting Wits
Traps Wits
Specialized Enviroment Wits
First Aid Wits
Bandaging Wits
Herbs Wits
Mechanics Wits
Tinker Wits
Jury Rig Wits
Explosives Wits
Assemble Wits
Disable Wits
Placement Wits
Investigate Wits
Databases/Archives Wits
Systems/Logistics Wits
Security Wits
Craft Wits
Repair Wits
Improvised Wits
Perception Wits
Traps Wits
Spot Wits
Listen Wits
Touch Wits
Smell Wits
Taste Wits
Sense Motive Wits
Deception Wits
Shadow Wits
Disguise Wits
Charisma Grit
Diplomacy Grit
Bluff Grit
Presence Grit
Intimidate Grit
Charm Grit
Leadership Grit
Stubborn Grit


-Perks are additional bonuses characters can choose when they purchase Levels 4, 6 and 8. At each of these Levels, character picks one Perk directly related to the skill in question.

-Perks are somewhat overarching. For example, if a character chooses "Weapon Finesse" as their Perk accompanying Level 4 in "Blade," that perk then applies to ALL melee weapons. It however does not apply to any form of Ranged weaponry or Unarmed combat. For clarification on limits of any given perk, please consult the GM.

-Prerequisite to purchasing some Perks is attaining another Perk first. Simply put, Perks in under Tier 1 are prerequisite to anything directly underneath them and in Tier 2.

-Perks are often negotiable or ill-defined. Before selecting a Perk, please talk with your GM to make sure you both have a full understanding of what Perk you are selecting and how it can be used. Furthermore, suggestions for new perks are welcome and considered on a case by case basis.

List of Perks sorted along the logical lines of a madman!


Re-roll = once per day, roll again in any situation. Must take second roll



Uncanny Dodge = no loss of reflexes when flat footed

Quick Draw = Ready/Put away weapon as a free action


Immunity to a specific adverse environment

Immunity to a specific poison



Re-roll = once per day

Re-rolling = once per encounter

Re-roller = once per turn

Double Jump = Once per day, any jump role is doubled



Take 14 - once per day, take 14 on any given athletics roll

Take 14 - 3 times per day, take 14 on any given athletics roll

Unarmed Combat

Natural Weapon = Increases base damage to 2d12-2 (perk can be purchased multiple times)

Juke = +3 Reflex Defense

Quick Strike = Attacks only require a single action (max 2/turn)

Multi-Strike = Allow for three strikes per turn

Precision = +3 to hit on called shots (mitigates a single increment of penalty). This perk can be taken multiple time for stacked effects.

Melee Weapons

Weapon Finesse – Dx Modifier for Damage

Weapon Defense - +3 Reflex Defense

Precision = +3 to hit on called shots (mitigates a single increment of penalty). This perk can be taken multiple time for stacked effect

Signature Weapon = +3 to hit and to damage with more precise range of weapons (ie, Bastard Sword, Katana, Punch-dagger etc…)

Quick Strike = Attacks only require a single action (max 2/turn)

Multi-Strike = Allow for three strikes per turn

Ranged Weapons

Signature Weapon = +3 to hit and to damage with more precise range of weapons (ie, Revolver, Glock, M16 etc…

Precision = Dx modifier for damage

Rapid Reload = reload as a single action

Precision = +3 to hit on called shots (mitigates a single increment of penalty). This perk can be taken multiple time for stacked effect

Quick Strike = Attacks only require a single action (max 2/turn)

Multi-Strike = Allow for three strikes per turn

Point Blank Shooting = reduces penalty for point blank shots to -3

Long Range Shooting = reduces penalty for long range shots to -3

Rogue Skills

Sharp = use Wits or Dx modifier

Wise = use both Dx and Wits modifiers

Take 14 = once per day (must specify Sleight of Hand, Lockpick or Stealth)

Take 14 = thrice per day (must specify Sleight of Hand, Lockpick or Stealth)


Longevity = 1.5x Armor Points

Everlast! = 2x Armor Points

Shrug-it-off = once per day, double your DR for a single round. Must be signified at the end of your turn, not during the enemy’s turn

More Shrugging – double DR 3 times per day


Take 14 - once per day, take 14 on any given marathon roll

Take 14 - 3 times per day, take 14 on any given marathon roll


Magic (Overall)

Fast spell = reduces spells to 2-action events

Faster spell = reduces spells to 1-action events

Discretion = reduces stealth penalty to -6 when casting (base -9)

Discreter! = -3 penalty

Multi Target = Can attack number of targets equal to skill level of spell being cast at 1/2 effect

Multi-target = Attack number of targets equal to skill level at full effect

Brass Knuckles/Glass Cannon = Spells dealing direct damage receive no penalty at range, and double effect when touching


Enchant/De-enchant – Imbue one trained spells into material object at -3 per skill utilized (Thaum included). The power of the enchantment is determined by a Standard DC, maxing out at the level of skill in pertinent spell. Item is effective for the number of uses equal to the sum of Thaumatology and relevant skills. Activation will require verbal or physical component which can be used by anyone. One enchantment per day. Thaum skill level = #of dechantments per day

Reduces penalty to -3, number of uses equals product of Thaumatology and (Sum of relevant spell skills).

Number of uses = (Thaum X [sum of spell skills]) ^2

Magic Eyes - Always Detect Magic
Omniscient Eyes - Always see magic, its source and its direction


Warp Other - Distance = 1/2 standard distance

Reactive dodge = once per day, presuming freedom of movement, negate a single attack, must succeed by the first degree, does require spell expenditure

Defensive Dodge = once per encounter

Jumper = Once per turn (or between turns)

Blind warp (permits warping above the first degree w/o sight of destination)

Double Carrying Capacity

Triple Carrying Capacity

Quadruple Carrying Capacity


Enhanced manipulation – complete, non-linear control within range

Greater Manipulation - controlled move w/in 2x range

Bubble - Skin tight, pressure maintaining barrier between character and space/vacuum/deep sea/murder tanks filled with jello…Duration determined by success of roll (specializing-Barrier)


Guided – Complete control of movement within within range

Homing Missle – Complete control for up to 2x caster's range


Isolated Rewind - Once per day, rewind time for a single character the number of rounds = success of a std time roll

Time Bubble - Once per day, rewind time for number of characters equal to skill level. Success still determined by standard Time roll.


Street magician = -3 penalty to illusion rolls, only 1 sense affected, can effect anyone with direct line of sight to character, GM will determine crowd DC of Willpower

2 senses

3 senses


Psycholocation – Detect and influence thoughts of persons not in sight

Convincing = Exchange Psych for Charisma or Presence skill when making magical persuasion.

Mind Bend = Add Charisma or Presence to Psych rolls for convincing


Familiar/Companion – 1/4 Character points, 8d12 attributes, empathic link (note, regardless of level, if companion is killed, the character will suffer in direct correlation the numerical value of the companion)

1/4 Character points, add 2d12 attributes, telepathic link

1/2 Character points, add 2d12


Mender = Raises effect of spell (1st degree = 1d12)

Healer = raises effect by 1d12

Savior = raises effect by 1d12 (1st degree = 3d12)

Portal = open doorway to/from another realm for single creature of questionable allegiance and quality

Wayfarer = number of beings equal to skill level, or one of more determined qualities

Intellectual (must specify all)

Renown = +3 social interactions involving profession

Knowledge Fount = +(skill level -3) to comrades

Synergy = Combine two skills with -3 penalty (must pick which two skills)

Super Synergy – add third skill at another -3

Improvised = 1/2 penalty for operating without standard tools

Specialist = +3 to very specific operation or study

Fast Worker = reduce intelligence based rolls to require 3 actions

Lightning Fast = reduce intelligence based rolls to require 2 action

Wits (must specify all)

Signature Operation = +3

Synergy = Combine two skills with -3 penalty (must pick which two skills)

Super Synergy – add third skill at another -3

Take 14 - once per day, take 14 on any given roll

Take 14 - 3 times per day, take 14 on any given roll


Tag Team = combine skill with comrade with -3 penalty

Possy = combine with whole party at -(number of people involved)

Synergy = Combine two skills with -3 penalty (must pick which two skills)

Super Synergy – add third skill at another -3


Center of attention

Face in the crowd (Stealth+Charisma-3)


Aura – permanent, passive +3 Intimidate, Charm or Leadership. You must choose which of these (yes, it will work against you if you choose Intimidate, and later try to make Charm rolls)

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